od Exbi-Tech: Google Android to unify all types of devices with Ice Cream Sandwich
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Google Android to unify all types of devices with Ice Cream Sandwich

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  • Wednesday, 11 May 2011
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  • exbitech
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  • With Ice Cream Sandwich, the next version of Android, Google's operating system will run on all types of mobile devices, from conventional phones to smartphones and tablets.

    The next version of Android , code-named Ice Cream Sandwich and will be available in the fourth quarter, will address all types of mobile devices, both smartphones and tablets. Ice Cream Sandwich offer new features and API designed to automatically reconfigure applications on different mobile devices , said yesterday the company responsible for the developer conference Google I/O.

    While Ice Cream Sandwich arrives, Google prepares for this summer Android 3.1, an update Honeycomb designed specifically for tablets. Its enhancements include admission to the USB tablets for developers to create applications for the Google TV. Google has also announced that Android Market will offer online and rent movies to watch on the devices. For a price of U.S. $1.99, users will have 30 days to watch rented movies.

    Those responsible for Google also said they have launched a private beta of a cloud-music service called Music Beta available now by invitation only for U.S. users. This tool provides a music management application, allowing users to import content from iTunes, including playlists. With Instant Mix can also create playlists instantly according to various criteria such as gender issues, for example. Music Beta will be free during its beta phase and has a capacity of 20,000 songs.

    According to Hugo Barra, director of product management for Android , more than 100 million devices Android world have been activated and there are more than 450,000 developers Android have created 200,000 applications. End users have installed applications 4,500 million Android , a number of which 1,000 million were downloaded in the past two months. There are also 310 devices Android available in 110 different countries and more than 400,000 are active daily.


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