I had been trying to get it done for my system for the last few days. It is a known fact the /etc/skel directory stores a skeleton of what should be created for any new user account. So, logical answer would be to copythe configs in that directory.
However, copying the entire home directory configs wont be the right way to go. More importantly, I wanted to keep the launcher icons in the order I put them. That config is stored in a folder called .dconf, which is a hidden folder. So here is the list of all the requred folders you may want to copy to the /etc/skel directory along with the command. Run the command in a terminal.
cd ~/ sudo cp -rf .config/ .gconf/ .gconfd/ .gnome2/ .gconfd/ .dconf/ /etc/skel/The command basically copies these directories from your home directory to /etc/skel Thats it. Now you can create a new user and all the customizations made on your Unity launcher will be reflected on the new user account’s launcher as well. Update: I have found out after a little bit of research, that if you are using dconf-editor, which is available if you install dconf-tools from the software centre, the .dconf folder will not be available. Instead, the dconf folder will reside inside the .config folder.
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